Saturday, January 26, 2008


I apologize for not updating much this week. My goal is to get at least one post a week, but I've found it to be especially difficult this week.
It's been a hard week as I have returned to work. I cried Tuesday as I left my precious baby with Granna, on my drive in, when I walked into work, and pretty much any time I thought about Sam the rest of the day. I even cried Tuesday night when I got home and saw him! The rest of the week has gotten easier, though, and I even felt pretty good Friday as I drove in. However, I'm exhausted from working and all kinds of worries and other thoughts are continually flooding my mind.
For the time being, Granna has moved in with us. She'll stay for a couple of weeks at which point Nai Nai will move in and stay a couple of weeks before she returns to China. Our goal is to keep Sam out of daycare until March so that his immune system will be a little stronger and the other sicknesses will hopefully have passed by then. When he does go to daycare, he'll actually just be going to work with me as I work in administration at a daycare/preschool/elementary. He'll be just a few short feet away from me all the time and I can't wait until March for this reason!
I'm also continually searching for an outside source to pay me to be a stay at home mom. If you know of any such source, please let me know. I'm in desperate need. ;)

Granna and Sam having SO MUCH fun:

Sam is voicing his displeasure at me leaving (or at least I'd like to think that...)

Sam, Josh and Me

Sam and Josh goofing around:

Beautiful Sam looking at the new boy that comes to visit sometimes. Sam is wondering how his Nai Nai is holding him AND the new boy at the same time...

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Here are a few pics from my trip home. Unfortunately, my camera went dead and I didn't pack the charger for it so I don't have a lot of digital pics to share. I've got a few pics on film although I don't know how they'll turn out. Note to self for next trip: in the midst of packing burp cloths, diapers, outfits, emergency outfits, blankets, baby bed, bottles, books, gowns, tiny socks, pacifiers, tearless shampoos, baby lotions, changing pads, wipes, etc., don't forget the battery charger- it's just as important!

L to R: Me, Mom, Becky, Jessalyn, Her baby boy, & Sam. Jess is a great friend from home and is due the end of March. We can't wait for our boys to meet and play together.

This is Sam's Great Grandmother. He smiles and laughs every time they get together.

This is Sam's Papa John. They had such a great time together and Sam can't wait to see him again!

This is Sam's other Great Grandmother. This is the oldest person he's ever met. He was in awe of her age. She'll be 94 January 24th.

Here we have four generations of hands. There is Sam, Me, my Mom, and my Grandmother. I love hands. They tell so much about a person's life.

Monday, January 14, 2008

Great Things to Come

Josh, Sam, and I have been visiting in KY this weekend. We're still here so I don't have a connection to upload any of the photos. There are some great photos, too. Some are silly, but most of them are "sweet".
We arrived at Mom's house late Friday night (10 pm! ha!) and set up camp. Sam was such a great travel companion (although for such a little guy he really does require a lot of baggage...) He hardly cried- he MAY have whimpered a couple of times, and slept the ENTIRE time. He's such a great baby; He's definitely spoiling us.
Saturday was a busy, busy day. We headed out to see Josh's family in Murray. It was the first time that his Aunt Nickle and Uncle Tommy as well as Mammaw and Pap were able to see Sam in real life. They got the biggest kick out of him. I even let them take care of Sam alone for about an hour while I shopped a couple of consignment stores. They did a great job and Sam loved hanging out with his KY kinfolk. Suffering from a bit of a cold, I clocked out early in the evening and that's when Dad decided it might be time to get back to camp for Mom and Sam to rest. As big of a day as Saturday was, Sunday would be even bigger.
We went to church Sunday morning at Calvert. Of course, we were fashionably late and made quite an appearance (even though we came in through the back door) so people knew we were there and crowded around after to ooh and ahh over the latest addition. I think it really must be tough to be that little and so cute because you're always the center of attention. Sam does get worn out by it and you can just see him let out a sigh of relief when he's finally left alone.
Anyway, my best friend from high school came to visit after church. Jessalyn is expecting a boy late March, so I was more than happy to show her the ropes of raising a boy-- (mainly how to change a diaper and not get "hit"). Then it was off to Murray again for church at Glendale. Once again, being the center of attention can wear a little guy out, but he was happy to oblige.
Monday was a great day for Sam and me. Sam was introduced to his Papa John as well as his Great Grandmother Wilmena. (Papa John is my Dad, Great Grandmother Wilmena is my almost 94 year old Grandmother). Papa John and Sam had the best time. They laughed, they talked, they sung their ABC's, they even had a staring contest, I think. Papa John also helped give Sam a bath because Sam spits up so much that he gets "soured". Great Grandmother Wilmena also had a big time with Sam. The time spent together was so precious to me because I got to see her interact with a baby in a way I had never seen before. I saw a glimpse of my Grandmother from a long time ago come out.
My heart has just been overwhelmed this weekend with so much love for my family and I'm so fortunate to be blessed with a great extended family-- well, I'm just so happy for Sam. He's surrounded by a lot of love.
Obviously, there aren't any pictures up right now, but I'll put pics up from this weekend hopefully by Friday! :) Great things to come!

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Sambert~ Male Model

A slow morning for mommy + a shelf full of hats + a very happy and cooperative baby + a camera = Sambert~ Male Hat & Mittens Model.

Here Sambert is showing off his attire for the cold months that lie ahead~ the snowflakes strategically placed where his eyes should be...

A little attitude can go a long way in this stunning cap and matching argyle sock combo:

Yes, Sambert, it is after Christmas, but we will always enjoy you in the Santa hat! (Nice socks, too...)

Oh, you're just so cute...

Don't fall over yourself with those shoes on!

Living in Alabama, you can't resist the John Deere look:

This is for Justin & Erin. We love the hat and mittens! They're still a little big, but they'll last a long time and keep Sambert warm and snuggly!

Working with the camera, Sambert offers a glimpse of that adorable smile he's been perfecting for the last week:

The Swiss girl look is always fashionable for some:

The face says it all:

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

It's Apparent....

This is for all of the "already parents" out there. I want to know about the moment it finally hit home for you-- that you were the parent, not the child anymore, that you were the one who was responsible for someone else. Was it the moment they placed that little screaming bundle in your arms? or the day you cautiously drove home from the hospital? or the first night when Baby would not stop crying and you felt there was nothing left to do? the first time you heard your baby crying in your house? the day you were cutting your 8 year olds' hair and realized you could do anything to that hair you wanted to? what was the moment for you?
The day I received Sam's social security card in the mail was the day that it hit home for me. It's apparent that I'm finally a Parent now:

Thanks, Uncle Ben, for the card for Sam, too! It's so weird getting mail with Sam's name on it. Almost everytime I see his name on a piece of mail I think, "oh, they've got the wrong address... wait, no, that's my son's name...." haha.

*I don't have any recent pictures of Sam loaded on the computer yet, but I'll work on it tomorrow-- check back soon!

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

New Year's Resolutions

After learning about the celebration of a new year, Sam joined Mom and Dad at Mike, Ivy and Eli's house for an exciting New Year's party.  Sam was great for his first overnight trip.  For 2008, he resolved to sleep through the night... or maybe that is Mom's wishful thinking.  (Midnight to six A.M. isn't so bad, but I don't know how long it will last.  I'm thankful for the past couple of nights, though!)  Here are some pictures for your enjoyment-- of Sam asleep!

His first picture of 2008, trying to get a grin in:

Josh took these pictures for us and did an amazing job with them in Photoshop and Lightroom, but I can't find the "good" pictures.  These will have to do for now: