Thursday, January 17, 2008

Here are a few pics from my trip home. Unfortunately, my camera went dead and I didn't pack the charger for it so I don't have a lot of digital pics to share. I've got a few pics on film although I don't know how they'll turn out. Note to self for next trip: in the midst of packing burp cloths, diapers, outfits, emergency outfits, blankets, baby bed, bottles, books, gowns, tiny socks, pacifiers, tearless shampoos, baby lotions, changing pads, wipes, etc., don't forget the battery charger- it's just as important!

L to R: Me, Mom, Becky, Jessalyn, Her baby boy, & Sam. Jess is a great friend from home and is due the end of March. We can't wait for our boys to meet and play together.

This is Sam's Great Grandmother. He smiles and laughs every time they get together.

This is Sam's Papa John. They had such a great time together and Sam can't wait to see him again!

This is Sam's other Great Grandmother. This is the oldest person he's ever met. He was in awe of her age. She'll be 94 January 24th.

Here we have four generations of hands. There is Sam, Me, my Mom, and my Grandmother. I love hands. They tell so much about a person's life.

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