A slow morning for mommy + a shelf full of hats + a very happy and cooperative baby + a camera = Sambert~ Male Hat & Mittens Model.
Here Sambert is showing off his attire for the cold months that lie ahead~ the snowflakes strategically placed where his eyes should be...
A little attitude can go a long way in this stunning cap and matching argyle sock combo:
Yes, Sambert, it is after Christmas, but we will always enjoy you in the Santa hat! (Nice socks, too...)
Oh, you're just so cute...
Don't fall over yourself with those shoes on!
Living in Alabama, you can't resist the John Deere look:
This is for Justin & Erin. We love the hat and mittens! They're still a little big, but they'll last a long time and keep Sambert warm and snuggly!
Working with the camera, Sambert offers a glimpse of that adorable smile he's been perfecting for the last week:
The Swiss girl look is always fashionable for some:
The face says it all:
I was just following a link from my son Justin's page.What a beautiful baby. I loved all the different poses. They made my day. God bless .
Sam looked studly in his knit hat and mittens.
When is Sambert's calendar due to come out? I would totally buy one!
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