Tuesday, January 8, 2008

It's Apparent....

This is for all of the "already parents" out there. I want to know about the moment it finally hit home for you-- that you were the parent, not the child anymore, that you were the one who was responsible for someone else. Was it the moment they placed that little screaming bundle in your arms? or the day you cautiously drove home from the hospital? or the first night when Baby would not stop crying and you felt there was nothing left to do? the first time you heard your baby crying in your house? the day you were cutting your 8 year olds' hair and realized you could do anything to that hair you wanted to? what was the moment for you?
The day I received Sam's social security card in the mail was the day that it hit home for me. It's apparent that I'm finally a Parent now:

Thanks, Uncle Ben, for the card for Sam, too! It's so weird getting mail with Sam's name on it. Almost everytime I see his name on a piece of mail I think, "oh, they've got the wrong address... wait, no, that's my son's name...." haha.

*I don't have any recent pictures of Sam loaded on the computer yet, but I'll work on it tomorrow-- check back soon!


Unknown said...

I clearly remember getting the SSA letter with Eli's name on it. It felt so official!

Justin P. Lewis said...

I am still a kid. Where are the pics of Slammin' Sammy with his knit stuff on? I am getting impatient here.

Dawn said...

We took pictures of M&E's first mail, too! It's quite an event to get that card in the mail. We also had someone from the home health care place call for Mary when she was about 5 months old. I had a little fun with that one ;) Anyway, things like that do indeed drive home the reality that yes, there is another person living with you now, and yes, you are the parent. Crazy awesome stuff!