Sunday, June 15, 2008


As many of you may know, I am a HUGE Rick and Bubba Fan. Rick and Bubba are radio personalities native to Birmingham, AL. I had heard of them while I was in college in KY, but had never listened to them. Upon moving to AL, my new friends all concurred that I needed to listen to Rick and Bubba because we shared a similar sense of humor. So, over the past 3 years, when I've been up early in the morning, I've joyously listened to Rick and Bubba.
While I was pregnant, I would turn it up LOUD so Sam could hear them, too, and get used to their voices so that when he came out, Rick and Bubba would be common voices that would calm him. (It kinda worked.) Sam and I start our day with Rick and Bubba in the mornings and we wouldn't have it any other way.
A few days ago, we got to end our day with Rick and Bubba in person! They came to Huntsville on their book tour and Sam begged me to take him to see them. I called my good friend Misty and together, the three of us stood in a hot line just for a few seconds with Rick and Bubba. Sam was so excited about seeing The Two Sexiest Fat Men Alive, his first celebrities! Sam looks like a fat man in these pictures!

Sam looks so cute checking out the Rick and Bubba Show Interns.
Here we are once we finally got up to see Rick and Bubba face to face.

Check out Rick and Bubba's website:
There you will see a tribute to Bronner Burgess, Rick's son who died earlier in the year. When Rick got his hands on Sam, he kept whispering in his ear, "You're so precious, precious, precious boy." It was a sweet moment.
My common sense left me at some point and I tried to coax Rick and Bubba into signing Sam with their Sharpies. They kept their common sense and just signed the book instead.
Here we all are posing for our picture.
Bubba and Sam acting silly. Haha!
This is a pretty good picture of both, though:
Here is Sam with Speedy and Don Juan. They are the producers of the Show. Sam danced while we were waiting in line and Speedy and Don Juan really got a kick out of watching him. I'll have to say that for a white baby, Sam has some pretty decent moves... haha.

1 comment:

Granna said...

IMO...the real celebrity is Sam!!! He IS a precious, precious, precious boy! Love y'all!