Friday, May 30, 2008

Memorial Day Weekend Trip

We went to KY last weekend and were kept VERY busy visiting our friends and family. I took some pictures of Sam enjoying his car ride to KY. He had a pretty good time, staying awake until we got past Nashville. He kept me entertained.

Friday night, Sam and I met Mom in Draffenville and headed out to meet our new friend, Weston Michael. He is my friend, Jessalyn's, new son. He is two months old. Having Sam next to Weston opened my eyes to just how big my boy is getting. Sam was cracking everyone up with his silliness. He laughs, splutters, rolls over, sits up, falls over, giggles and starts it all over again. Weston just looked around and watched all of us with his bright, curious eyes. Every once in a while, he'd smile at me, but then he fell asleep. You can also tell from the picture just how much bigger physically Sam is. I kept thinking of Sam as my baby, but he's not really a baby-baby anymore. Time is going by too quickly for me!
Sunday, Sam and I went to church at Calvert and visited with several old family friends. This is my cousin, Garett, holding Sam. They had such a good time laughing and cutting up together... you can see the sneakiness on their faces!

Sunday was also my Dad's birthday. Sam said, "Happy Birthday, Papa John, even though I don't really know what a birthday is yet!". We had a good visit. Daddy got down on the floor and played for a long time with Sam. They were so cute together!

We also went and visited my Grandmother. Sam was excited to see his Great-Gram again. He was almost too heavy for her to hold, but she held him and really enjoyed playing with him. You can also see how Sam's hair has grown out all fuzzy. Grandmother kept playing with his soft, goose-down-y, fluffy hair.
We had such a good time in Kentucky. I'll post some goofy pictures of us later on. Also, we visited Josh's family on Saturday and Monday. Somehow I ended up without any pictures of our visit together on Saturday, but I have some interesting ones from our visit on Monday. Sam had a big accomplishment on Monday that I'll post about later. I'll also do my best to get some pics of Aunt Bethany, Uncle Ben, and the rest of the gang on here-- I need pics, though!! :)